Saturday, October 19, 2002

in a fit of rage,
i have just deleted everyone from this blog website...

so what's my dilemma?
i have none...

it's over...

Friday, October 18, 2002

This is just a huge contradiction to yesterday.
Maybe I've been enlightened.
Maybe I'm just very confused.
This is how I feel:

I think I take it all back.
I am just a naive girl.
I choose to be just a naive girl.
After all, it is more fun.

But I think maybe they are right.
You can't try to be "just friends" and assume nothing will come of it.
So, perhaps I was wrong.
All I can say is I'm sorry.

Thursday, October 17, 2002

"Just Friends"

Am I just a naive girl?
I would be okay with that...
as long as I know.
They tell me it can't be done.
I think they're wrong.
Maybe I'm just dumb, but I don't care

A boy and a girl.
Just friends.
Is it possible?
Boys and girls can hang out and have fun.
Boys and girls can date.
But where is the middle ground?

I have a need for intimacy.
I have a desire for intimacy.

I have close girl friends...and I love them to bits. They are wonderful.
But boys and girls are different (surprise, surprise)
I want to have boys who are close friends too
That's okay, isn't it?

Just because a girl and a boy are close friends, does it mean they have to "go out"
Yes...I know...if the "spark" is there between two people, it should not be squelched.
But a boy and a girl can stay close friends without the spark too.
(This does become more difficult when one feels the spark and the other doesn't...I know that too)

Then there's the issue of opening up and being hurt.
All I can say is, yes!
Friendship is a it with a boy or a girl.
But intimacy is worth it...right?
I want to open myself up to hurt if it means I will be loved too.
Love lasts longer than hurt.

But opening up does not always have to lead to hurt.

I don't (or didn't) want to hurt anyone.
When someone opens up, I take it as a treasure...
A treasure from the heart.
I will not expose it to the world.
I will not throw it on the ground and stomp on it.
Friends don't do that.

And if things change later on...
If other friends come into the picture...
It will be okay.
You won't have less to offer because you gave to me.
If anything, I hope you have more to offer
Because I know my life is richer now.

Is it worth it to love?
Is it worth it to be loved?
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return"

Can't we be just friends?

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

From now on I will regularily be posting pieces of thoughts that are in my head. They will be mere pieces, because whole thoughts do not like the manner in which I have organized the furniture upstairs. I reccomend Feng Shui for raising children. It will allow the energy to flow effortlessly through the synapses in their brains. Synapses are important. Not impotent. Important. You may be asking 'Why does it matter?' It does not. This is a piece of a thought. Pieces of thoughts never matter. Whole thoughts rarely matter. It is rare that something as insignificant as small electric bursts makes any difference in anything. Even if the bursts are more brilliant than northern lights or the burst of color caused by a sharp blow to the head.

It is as if the insignificance of everything is murmuring "Do not worry. Tomorrow whatever you've done yesterday won't make any difference."

Monday, October 14, 2002

What the hell is the problem with freaking people sending me their damn forwards???
I don't care if blondes read the oil sign upside down.
I don't care to know what makes people cry...
I don;t care about the girl whose dog has cancer...
Man, maybe I just don't care...
Well, life is sweet, I like Campbell River.
Other than that, nothing.
Does anybody else here think Smurfs are weird? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here!!!