Tuesday, October 15, 2002

From now on I will regularily be posting pieces of thoughts that are in my head. They will be mere pieces, because whole thoughts do not like the manner in which I have organized the furniture upstairs. I reccomend Feng Shui for raising children. It will allow the energy to flow effortlessly through the synapses in their brains. Synapses are important. Not impotent. Important. You may be asking 'Why does it matter?' It does not. This is a piece of a thought. Pieces of thoughts never matter. Whole thoughts rarely matter. It is rare that something as insignificant as small electric bursts makes any difference in anything. Even if the bursts are more brilliant than northern lights or the burst of color caused by a sharp blow to the head.

It is as if the insignificance of everything is murmuring "Do not worry. Tomorrow whatever you've done yesterday won't make any difference."


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