Monday, September 23, 2002

I've come to the conclusion that I am not particularly fond of phone conversations. I agree with the concept when people are half-way across the country and you just want to hear their voice...but in the day to day living, I am not such a big fan. It is so much more satisfying to see the person you are talking to - their facial expressions and reactions to your remarks. And there isn't the problem of akward silences, or if there are akward silences, it just isn't quite as bad. At least then you can look at the person and smile dumbly, and at least communicate that you are both feeling the same way.
That's my two cents worth.

And what is "that anti-grammatical piece of rebellion"?
There is absolutely no way i am going to attempt to edit that pathetic anti-grammatical piece of rebellion.

on to a different matter completely...

i wonder sometimes if phone conversations are rehearsed.
maybe not phone conversations... but rather answering machine messages...
i think it might be a habit i should take up... i am the absolutely terrible when it comes to leaving messages... i sound monotone, and utterly confused.
some people think i'm just trying to be funny, but in actuality it's the curse i must bear.
i will always sound utterly stupid and confusing on answering machines...

i wonder what our relationships would look like if we stopped caring constantly about what the other person thought?
i wonder if they would be better...
maybe, they would be worse... maybe our circle of friends would be completely different....
now, i'm not talking about close friends that know absolutely everything about you...
but rather,
i'm talking about those first impressions...
i'm always amazed to see every year a new batch of freshman trying to find their place...
i wonder how many of them are actually ashamed of who they are... i wonder how many of them hide their insecurities and "pretend" to like the stuff that everyone else "seems to like."
am i the only one who used to be this way?
can i say that i'm completely cured?

it's a hard pill to swallow... the fact that there will be some people that just won't like you...
the sooner we discover this... the less time we'll spend pretending to be someone else. The less time we'll spend lying to ourselves.
the less time we'll spend hating ourselves.

currently listening to:
coldplay - a rush of blood to the head

Sunday, September 22, 2002

hi, Im here. I feel kind ov, I don't no, here. Anywho, I will be writing soon, more often than not hopefully. I'm kind of rambling on, and on and on and on and on, and I don't no why? Okay, so here's the new guy, being lame and singing offff.