Thursday, July 25, 2002

i too wonder who i would be without these outside expectations. i wonder who i would be if i lived in a different demographic. would if i lived in a larger multicultural city like vancouver for majority of my life. would i have turned out to be the "stereotypical korean/rice rocket loving karoke star?" i think there's a possibility. who knows...?

on to a different matter...

i was talking with a friend about worship music and worship leading. and there was one thing that stuck out in my mind... i told him, that i used to be cynical about people getting "excited" about worship. i used to scoff at them and think they were "spiritually" immature. i used to think that "emotionalism" was the worst thing that could possible happen to christianity.
but then... i started thinking...
those of us that are blessed to live in North America, have the freedom to worship God freely.
we have this amazing opportunity to worship God corporately.
we, human beings, who were made to be emotional, have the opportunity to worship the God of the universe. So with that being said, why would we want to be unemotional about our corporate worship?
when we get the opportunity to worship God in his fully revealed glory, are we going to stand there and scoff others at how "emotional" they're being or how "jumping" is so passe?
that's ridiculous.
i've heard the argument, and i've even used it myself, that worship is a lifestyle, not something you do for half an hour on Sundays. i totally agree to that.
but i think your attitude towards corporate worship, the stuff you do every Sunday, reflects your worship attitude as a lifestyle.
if you're living your life as worship to God, then what's stopping you from being excited about corporate worship on Sundays?
now, don't get me wrong here,
i'm not saying that each person must jump at least 56 times in a worship service in order to "prove" that they're excited about it,
but what i am saying is, that i think some people use this "worship as a lifestyle" argument as more of an excuse.

so... be excited, be emotional, that's how God made us.
don't fall into the expectations that say, "in order to be a scholar, or a mature christian you need to cut out all the emotion out of your life. that way you can become robots, and spew out information and the right answers, but never live up to them." WOWEE ZOWEE!!!

you might not believe it, but it took me a long time to even get comfortable lifting my hands.

so... to hell with expectations?

currently listening to:
delirious - king of fools


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