Monday, August 05, 2002

thoughts on love and other fantasies...

my friend monte came over last night. we drove around kelowna till about midnight and talked.
it was great.

this morning i met up with my friend geoff heith.
we walked around the mall going into various stores.
we then headed over to scandia golf and games. It's quite a depressing place when you think about it. It's full of kids wasting their money on 2 minutes of "pure bliss."
some of these kids would rather be playing video games than making lasting friendships. some of these kids would rather being playing these mindless button mashing games than reading, writing, or even thinking.

so here i was, standing in scandia golf and games, talking with geoff and some other friends we bumped into when all of a sudden this lady comes to the ticket counter holding what seemed to be 4 thousand tickets.
it was the most insane of amount of tickets i've ever seen. it was the most insane amount of anything i've ever seen.
we all just wondered how this old lady could have possibly won all these tickets?
did she beat up all the little kids in the building and steal their tickets?
has she been saving the tickets for the past 20 years?
did she break open one of the machines and rip out as many tickets as she could?
it was quite puzzling...
so we asked her, "which game did you play to win all these tickets?"
she replied by saying "The Zoo game, the Zoo game!"

so we combed the entire building in search for this "zoo" game.
it doesn't exist.

currently listening to:
belle and sebastian - if you're feeling sinister


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