Saturday, February 08, 2003

so it's time to eat my words.
it's time, to say, something to the effect of, "shit! what happened?"
as of now, i am no longer seeing this wonderful girl.
she ended it today.
i can't be so naive and say that i didn't see it coming.
it defintely was a suprise,
but not something i expected so soon.

things are different now,
i don't want to be bitter, i want to be good about it.
i want to be sane.

i keep reminding myself that it's over.
it's the only way i can move on.

there are no regrets.
and i enjoyed it while it lasted.
i even got to kiss her after we called it all off.
what a fitting way to end things.
hopefully this melodrama will plateau in a place that is filled with tangible hopeful wishes.

for Sara-Lynn,
thank you for the chance...


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